You’re My Boss
Plot / Synopsis
“You’re My Boss” centers on a smart and bossy airline company executive named Georgina (Toni Gonzaga) who will do everything to close an important deal with foreign investors. They, however, wouldn’t negotiate with anyone in their company save for their big boss, who’s on leave. In a desperate attempt to win them over, she introduces her assistant Pong (Coco Martin) as the president, and thus begins the pretense that will lead them to discover what’s real and lovable about each other.
Watch You’re My Boss Official trailer here:
You’re My Boss Official Trailer Impression
You’re My Boss Film Trailer Review
You're My Boss stars Toni Gonzaga and Coco Martin and this only means one thing... another local blockbuster romcom from Star Cinema this 2015. Star Cinema can't really go wrong once they've included Toni Gonzaga as its leading lady and a highly likable script. Although if you carefully think about the plot of the film, you would ask on how can such a big time client (investor) not know who is the legitimate boss or the one that they should be negotiating with. Hopefully this is fluidly explained in the film so smart audiences can go on willingly suspending their disbelief.
Some few points worth noting, Star Cinema's website has finally included an official synopsis as press material. In the past I've noticed that most local studios don't even put up a decent plot or synopsis for their film to help promote their movie. It's a good thing that Star Cinema decided to finally put more effort to the official movie pages on their Star Cinema website (for more reference (events, press release, images) you can check out the You're My Boss official Star Cinema page). Give credit where it is due. I also would like to highly suggest that Star Cinema and other film studious should also include the talented writer(s) behind such titles.
How about you guys, what do you think about this 2015 Toni Gonzaga and Coco Martin film? Have you seen the film? What are your favorite lines and parts of the film? Share your thoughts about You’re My Boss official movie trailer in the comments section below: