Unofficially Yours is a 2012 romantic comedy (drama) film from Director Cathy Garcia-Molina from ABS CBN Productions Inc. (Star Cinema) which stars John Lloyd Cruz and Angel Locsin. Will this romantic film be another rehashed of what we have been spoiled for years or it offers something different? Find out what we think about Unofficially Yours here.

Unofficially Yours
Plot / Synopsis
What happens when love beats to a different drum? This is what happens when Macky Galvez (John Lloyd Cruz), a hopeles romantic average guy had a one night stand and eventually falls in love with Ces (Angel Locsion), a modern-day woman who is afraid of commitments. What happens when these two unlikely people try their luck on love?Unoficially Yours is directed by Cathy Garcia-Molina under Star Cinema, starring Angel Locsin and John Lloyd Cruz.
Watch Unofficially Yours first teaser trailer here:
Unofficially Yours Cinema Teaser Trailer Impression
Unofficially Yours Teaser Trailer Review
Star Cinema, the home of industrious romantic film making will start 2012 with another romantic comedy, but this time it has a more adult element to it, sex. Well, don't expect this to be as bold as the Hollywood counterparts that it draws inspiration with, we are still in the Philippines and they would be as much as family problem as possible... or not.

In a way, Star Cinema has somehow ranked up a bit in terms of how they create love stories for the big screen. There is a limit to how many times we can be fed with the same repetitive romantic film cliche of "rich guy falling in love with poor girl or vice versa" variant, and believe me some of movie goers have been fed up with such cliches. Luckily with their last few films, Star Cinema has been showcasing and incorporating more adult themes and issues with the films they make. Unofficially Yours looks like one of them that deals with one night stands and commitment issues. Fans of Angel Locsin, John Lloyd Cruz, Star Cinema produced films, and romantic films in general will definitely support and love this film. It might even be a good date film for adult couples, but please older movie goers, this is film is not a film for the kids or tweens film if I should add. As much as possible try to limit the kids with raging hormones from seeing this film. But who am I kidding right? If there is a will, there is a way.
Star Cinema has been one of the most industrious film studios in the Philippines and it is refreshing to see well-written and well-portrayed stories in the big screen that tries to break the convention of what is thought to be what the Filipino movie going public prefers. This is why we have cliche after cliche of films being created annually, because of the notion that don't fix or deviate on a theme that isn't broken. It is nice for Filipino film studios to take risks. Hopefully this film only draws inspiration from internationally released films of the same genre, because we don't want another "Friends with Benefits" or "No Strings Attached" clone. Hopefully it still stand as a very Filipino romantic film that guys and gals can both appreciate. This is more of a prediction and analysis of the romantic films created nowadays than an official trailer review for the Unofficially Yours. Call it an unofficial trailer impression of Unofficially Yours of sort. Guess I'll just reserve my full impressions on the film once the official movie trailer for Unofficially Yours gets released.

What about you guys? What do you think of this Angel Locsin - John Lloyd romantic comedy film this 2012? Share your thoughts on Unofficially Yours first cinema teaser trailer at the comments section below: